1 - Daily Bible Readings for 15/5/2020 START' TO DAY to methodically read the Bible -
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1st Century Apostolic Traditionalist
2020-05-15 10:19:30 UTC
All newcomers....why not start reading
The most important Book in the World.
It only takes 20-30 minutes a day and the rewards are tremendous.

A daily spiritual help in facing day to day problems, and learning of the
complete past history of Almighty God's chosen people, the Jewish Nation,
which is always in the news as the approach of their King, the Lord Jesus
Christ approaches ever nearer.

May God bless all who make the attempt to read and understand the Word of
God. Off we go then...

The excellent Bible Readings.

It takes normally between 20-30 mins per day depending on one's reading
It will be found many unanswered questions which may have seemed puzzling
and "Hard to be understood" are slowly and precisely answered as the Bible
is methodically read through day after day.

Here is a helpful link for anyone who either does not have a Bible to
hand, or might prefer reading from their computer, or might want to compare
different translations, or even read non-English versions:

And for those who wish to listen to the Bible while doing their chores.

Jeff Hickling.
1 Cor. 11:2 "Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things,
and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you."
Jeff Hickling
2020-05-15 14:24:48 UTC
Spendthrift: a person who spends money in an extravagant, irresponsible
way. (cf: Dennis “I can’t stop spending my money frivolously” Johnson.)

In 2008, when his father finally kicked the bucket, Dennis Johnson was
given three-quarters of a million dollars cash, set up for him in an
irrevocable trust fund. Such trusts are also known as Spendthrift
Trusts (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spendthrift_trust). At the time,
Dennis was 50.

In addition to his principal assets, the money held in trust that is,
Dennis held about one hundred thousand dollars under his “supervision”
--what we might call his “liquid holdings.” Said assets consisted of a
Chase Bank Savings Account (a passbook savings account they were called,
back when the banks were paying interest) and an IRA account (of unknown
value). Dennis was doing “good” by continuing, up until recent times,
to make yearly contributions to the IRA.


Now, it’s no secret that Dennis has an ongoing gambling problem (he
admits this). He also admits some past problems involving certain
Korean women and massage parlors along E.C. Boulevard. Although the
Koreans are no longer a problem for him—having kicked his silly ass to
the curb several years ago—the Indians still remain something of a vexation.

“Uh, hey Chief. . . Looky there, isn’t that heap stoopid dipshit Dennis
coming to spend more IRA money again?”

“Hey, you be quiet, Laughing at Paleface. We got kids at Harvard. We
need money from stupid white trash.”


“Well, Mister Johnson, I’m afraid that’ll be a twenty-five percent
penalty,” the H&R Block guy said. “By the way, if you had waited just
one more year, there wouldn’t have been any tax consequence . . . er, sir.”

Ah shucks,” said Dennis, twitching a little more than usual, an’
scratchin’ his eczematic leg.

“But, the good news is that we can write off most of your gambling
losses…. Hmm, you must be some big gambler. . . Well, there ya go.
I’m done, Mister Johnson. Here’s what ya owe the IRS, by the way.
Consider your taxes filed as of now. Just don’t forget to send ‘em that
check or they’ll charge ya interest.”


April 15, 2018

Dear Diary,
I think I saw Dennis the other day. I was waiting at the light on
Pacific Highway. I looked across the road, over at the group of
homeless “veterans” gathered around a bottle of MadDog 20/20, when I saw
him. He was a terrific sight—unshaven, filthy, with pimples all over
his face. Which might have been Kaposi's sarcoma sores. At that moment
the light turned and I drove off, thinking about the old saying “A fool
and his money….”


This article is dedicated to the memory of Dennis’ liquid assests: 2008
– 2016.
May his liquidity, and the souls of the faithful, REST IN PEACE.

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